I don't know. I've been so tired lately. Perhaps it is because I've been staying up too late watching Sons of Anarchy. I just love it so much!!!
Favorite characters? Pretty much all of them. Jax, of course, Half Sack is super adorable, Opie is just so burly and cute at the same time, Tig is freaking nuts but that's kind of why I like him, Clay is just Ron Pearlman so how can you not like him? I LOVE Chibs because he's in all my favorite movies and who doesn't love an Irishman???? And Boone's just a super chill guy.
But I think Juice is my favoirte. ^_^ ahhh he's hot.
Anyways. It was my husband's birthday, and the decorations went a little like this:
I had to warn him, so I put this on the front door.
While waiting for him I had a mini party with my new best friend.
I love fan.
.He got me a poster of Jacob for easter because he's a huge fat troll. So I decided to return the favor. MUAHAHAHHA
Hay Ron Paul, whatcha doin in the moon?
Oh, just chillin with some cats? That's cool, yo.
Tried my hand at fondant. It's a bitch to work with.
It doesn't stick to itself, but it loves to stick to you!!
Anyways, a group of diglets, evee and the rock pokemon I can't remember. Pedobear and a picture of him flying an x-wing. Yup.
here's a better x-wing picture lol
He is incapable of showing excitement about anything. But he told me how much he liked it, and I knew that he really was excited. Because that's the way he is.