Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lemon/Lime/Orange Tutorial

So lately I've bee having an urge to try out making some food products. I wanted to make some strawberry, kiwi, orange and lime canes. Alas, I don't do food. I would rather make little clay animals. So I have no idea how.

In all my extensive searching, imagine this: I came across a GREAT tutorial that one of the girls I watch on deviantart had made!! Lol.

Next time I think I'll just search the wonderful artists on deviantart before I look elsewhere lol.

It is MotherMayIjewelry who makes this wonderful tutorial, and I know it's going to help me when I finally decide to brave a cane like this. :D

Awesome, I know. Either click on the image so you can see it full sized, or go to her original deviation.

She does some of the most amazing stuff. Like these CUTE cookie necklaces. I snagged the pink one...hee hee. But the beautiful white one is still for sale in her etsy shop.

And up top we've got a cute little cupcake that she used some of her limes on. *squee* I love her work!!! Thanks so much, MotherMayIJewelry, for letting me feature your tutorial!

I've decided I like much better using other people's tutorials. One because some of these things I'm just learning myself, and two I get to show off all of the wonderful clay artists I have met and give credit to their amazing work. :)

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